1. Name : A.K. BOHRA
2. Date of Birth : 13.08.1954
3. Educational
Qualification : B.E. (Electrical) – 1977
M.B.M Engg. College, University of Jodhpur,
4. Present
Address : Plot No – N1/22, IRC Village, Nayapalli,
Bhubaneswar – 751015
6. Present Position : Chief Executive Officer, Central Service Office,
(WESCO, NESCO & SOUTHCO) Bhubaneswar.
7. Job Experience : 36 Years
(i) Jaipur City Power Distribution (Rajasthan) while
serving in Rajasthan State Electricity Board :18 Yrs
(ii) Served BIPS a renowned IT Company as Executive Director : 4 Yrs
(iii) Stay in Odisha : 14 Yrs
8. Achievements :
(1) Known for innovative solutions provider in Power distribution.
(2) Acted as trouble shooter in Jaipur City distribution.
(3) Had been instrumental in implementation of computerized Energy Billing in RSEB
(4) During stay in BIPS, the company could increase its turnover many fold through expansion of existing as well as new Businesses.
(1) Conceptualized, designed, developed & implemented Oracle based energy billing solution in 3 DISCOMS.
(2) Acquired expertise in innovative distribution solutions application of I.T in Power Sector (Distribution specific) and Distribution Automation.
(3) Successfully headed SOUTHCO as CEO for 2 years. Presently involved in Policy making, Strategic planning, Project formulation & implementation and also heading IT in the 3 DISCOMs.